2 min readJun 29, 2021



We talk about wisdom as if one day it’ll come and stay. We rarely remember that- like everything else in life- wisdom ebbs and flows. Sometimes we’re lost on how to navigate a situation, sometimes others know exactly how to come out unscathed. Sometimes the best advice we get is from a four-year old who is still running on the sidewalk, barefoot, unaware of the myriad of ways to be hurt and sometimes the best advice comes from an elder who has seen more dark days than they anticipated in their life. And sometimes, wisdom can show itself in reminders that a twenty-something years old is telling themselves in order to try to make life a little more manageable. Here’s some reminders from one twenty-something to all:

  1. Don’t assume

-especially about people and situations you know nothing about.

2. Don’t “check”

-if those people shitted on you, they’ll always realize their loss. Don’t give any energy. They don’t deserve parts of your life or attention they’re willingly not a part of.

3. What you’re meant to know will always be revealed

-don’t take it upon yourself to see if a person or situation has “changed”.

4. Don’t look back

-what’s meant for you won’t leave or it’ll circle back around.

5. If a puzzle piece isn’t fitting, don’t try to make it work

-people, situations, energy, life.

6. Stop with the self guilt

-you are allowed to be human, fuck up, say/do things you aren’t proud of. It’s life and it’s yours. Everything happens for a reason.

7. Trust the process and focus

-what’s meant for you is yours. What you want, work for it. Simple.

8. Preserve your energy

-what’s the point? Of hurting yourself? For things and situations that don’t belong?

9. Your “worst” is heal-able.

-don’t let temporary ruin your life.




A human growing through life and sharing the experience…